Thursday, October 16, 2008

Prepared to teach?

I am doing my story on current students/very recent graduates that are going into that will be teachers, some of the questions i've some up with is why they decided to come to Utah State, do they feel they are fully prepared to teach by the time they get done, and why they want to be teachers
Any suggestions ya'll?

1 comment:

Ted Pease, Professor of Interesting Stuff said...


Needs a tighter focus, I think. For example:

• (new ElEd students) why do you want to spend your career with kindergarteners?
• (current teachers) what's rewarding about having chosen this career? why?
• (current teachers) If you could do it over, what would you have chosen to do instead?
• (new teachers) What have you learned in you (1 year) of teaching that they didn't prepare you for in school? Is that better or worse than you hoped for? How?
• horror stories and triumphs. Tell me about your worst day, your best day, and what they taught you.
• do you know people who left teaching with your kind of commitment, but left? Why?

Also: I know someone--a JCOM/PR/Print major--who went to TeachForAmerica instead when she graduated...inner-city Baltimore...and loves it. How about that for a different angle?