Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Is Guy the right guy?

I am wanting to write my paper about Brent Guy and how there are numerous college coaches getting fired for having a losing season, and he still has a job. I wanted to look at why it might be that he has yet to be fired, possible replacements, the chance that he'll get fired at the end of the season. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

Ted Pease, Professor of Interesting Stuff said...

This is a very tough story to do fairly. You do have some kind of news hook--go to Stan Albrecht's comments about the budget (see Albrecht Press Conference links) and scroll to the bottom to the blog comments, which include some suggesting that the football team be abolished.

It's possible, I guess, to interview a bunch of fans and, based on that extremely subjective and unscientific collection of opinions, frame a story based on "rising anti-Guy mood on campus." And then there may be some national background on coaches who lose their jobs once their records get too bad--but how bad is too bad? Then the Athletic Director might comment. But aside from the "news" that there is dissatisfaction with Brent Guy, what's the nut graf? Is that enough for a story?

This is a tough news story (not "paper") to do, Matt, because it's an opinion piece (or, as some would see it, however you wrote it, a trash piece). How could you conceivably do it? Would Guy's players go on the record as saying he's a rotten coach? (If they would, then you do have a story, but that would be suicidal for any player.) If you asked the Athletic Director whether Guy should be fired, he'll say, "No." If you interviewed a bunch of students/fans, who cares if they don't like him?

I'll be in my office at 1 p.m., if you want to come by and noodle this some more.