Monday, October 13, 2008

national coming out day

I'm doing a story on national coming out day. Which is a day dedicated to people coming out gay or lesbian.

Does anyone think this would be inappropriate?

Does anyone know when it became a holiday and why?


April said...

I think it is as approriate as having the commemoration on campus. I would like to hear from sources who were involved in the process of deciding whether to hold the gathering and choosing how to organize it. I'd also like to read some good quotes about whether people feel the day pressures individuals with same-gender-attraction to define their identity as gay or not.

Ted Pease, Professor of Interesting Stuff said...


As discussed in class, it's a bit of a drawback that we missed deadline on this--National Coming Out Day was Oct. 11. But that doesn't mean you can't do a followup that might involve some of these elements:

• the campaign on gay marriage in Calif--and the local angle is the LDS Church effort to get out the vote against it.

• USU gay associations--for sources, comment, additional story ideas. Allies, etc.

Also, I Googled "national coming out day" and found a lot of background.