Monday, October 13, 2008


Mononucleosis. Sounds enthralling... really. For this story:
-How is mono contracted
-What are the symptoms
-How to prevent mono
-How mono affects USU students and their studies

Where else could I go with this story? Any ideas that will change this from a boring, mundane "How not to get sick this winter" story into something people will want to read? By the way, I had to look up how to spell "
mononucleosis". It's harder than it looks...


Kate Clark said...

This comment isnt going to be of much help right now, but I really like the topic you chose. I will definitely keep it in mind and try to think of a way to help you stay away from a typical "sick winter" story. Good luck.

Ted Pease, Professor of Interesting Stuff said...


How'd you do with Jim Davis? If you don't feel that you get enough stuff for this deadline, save the story for later--I imagine there will be more mono rather than less. But it would be good to get out in front of it.

You might connect with the Cache Valley and Utah State health departments to find out about stats and their expectations for the mono "season." Also, I Googled "mononucleosis statistics 2008." Not all that recent, but maybe good background.


Anonymous said...

My comment is like Kate's, I like the topic, people will love it and use it as a resource. I know a friend of mine has mono and if you want that kind of source let me know.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous is Cami Carlson i forgot my password:)

Miranda Castro said...

Buenas Tardes.
Me presento ante el publico representado por los lectores de este carismático e interesante Blog.
Como este articulo trata sobre la mononucleosis (enfermedad infecciosa causada por el virus de Epstein Barr) me pareció más que conveniente, no solo para mi sino para todo el que desee informarse más sobre la enfermedad, obviamente no devalúo la calidad de este articulo porque para mi es buena y expresiva y en todos los sentidos solo que quise poner un referencia de información. Espero me comprendas y lo hago con mucho respeto.
El enlace sería este: Mononucleosis y lo pongo en manera discreta para no llamar la atención de manera molesta sino con intención de informar si se desea.
Sin más que decir, espero me entiendan y agradezco la ayuda del autor.
Muchas gracias y Adiós.