Monday, October 13, 2008

Antique Aggie, are always "IN"

I want to do a story on someone who has been an aggie forever someone whose worked for the university i want people to find interest in people that we come in contact with everyday but don't take much notice of them.
Does anyone know someone who has worked for USU for 20 years(+), Not a professor, more of a common-man so to day.
What would bore you about this person? (what should i not include for readers)
Thanks for your help guys.


April said...

Do you want a professor or someone like a janitor or bookstore worker?

Whitney said...

I know some of the people who work in the TSC have been around forever, or at least it seems that way. Take the guys at the post office... I see them EVERY SINGLE DAY sitting in the same chair, doing the same thing. I saw one of them at the grocery store and freaked out when I recognized them from the TSC. I don't think we realize these kind of people have lives outside of Utah State. You could focus on how else they are associated with Utah State... (Are they a huge basketball fan? Do they like to eat at The Marketplace? etc.) Just a few ideas...

Ted Pease, Professor of Interesting Stuff said...


The university makes awards every year for faculty/staff you have been at the university for 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35....years. So there are records of who those "old Aggies" are.

I think the provost's office keeps track of this.

Also, have you called the Alumni people?

Need some help? let me know.