Monday, October 27, 2008

The Howl That Will Knock Your Socks Off

The Howl is amazing every year but it should be even better this year said Nicole Peterson, member of Student Traditions Activities Arts and Lectures Board.
“Oh my gosh! I'm so excited for the howl this year. It is going to be so fun. Anyone who doesn't come will wish they did,” said Peterson.
Tickets for the Howl will be $10 before the day of the Howl and $15 at the party for USU students. For others,tickets will be $15 in advance and $25 dollars upon arrival.
Bands playing at the Howl will include The Rock Bandits, a Led Zeppelin cover band at 9:45 p.m., Love You Long Time at 11:30p.m. And another band yet to be named at 8:30 p.m. Recycle Percussion will be playing at 10:30 p.m. And midnight.
Dave Carter, Agricultural Science major, said the thing he's most excited about is seeing Recycled Percussion.
“I can't wait to see Recycled Percussion play. That's what I'm looking forward to the most at the Howl,” said Carter.
The Howl will have a haunted maze, located in the Fieldhouse that students can choose to enter upon arrival at the Halloween festival, said Peterson.
The movies “Hocus Pocus” and “The Shining” will be playing for all of those who enjoy getting a little freaked out said Peterson.
Refreshments will be located at the Hub, while pictures, games and costume contests, sponsored by the LDSSA will be located in the basement hallway said Peterson.
Many students are just excited that they get to dress up in costumes for the howl.
“I'm super stoked to dress up as Plutonium man! I'm going to glow in the dark so much people will think I was eating plutonium,” said Mark Vong, Journalism and Communications major.
With all of the activities at the Howl, students are going to have a good time for sure said Bridger Maxwell, Business major.
“I just think its gonna be a freakin party! How could it not be when they've got all this sweet action planned, said Maxwell.

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