Monday, October 13, 2008

Flag Football Championships!!!

This week at USU flag football intermurals are cmoing to a close. A champion will be crowned this week.
1. What are some ways I could make flag football compeling to a varitey of readers.
2. Does anybody know anyone who knows the people who run the program? Or even some of the students that help referee the sport.
3. Have you ever heard of flag football intermurals?


Whitney said...
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Whitney said...

Casey... I've heard of flag football intermurals, but I don't know much about it. How is intermural football different from regular football? Are intermurals a big part of student life? With this I would basically inform the reader of something they know nothing about.

Ted Pease, Professor of Interesting Stuff said...


I assume that you've contacted the Intramural office in the Athletic Department?

Do you need a PR person in Athletics? I have plenty....