Saturday, January 17, 2009

Tressa M. Gilbert

{boring stuff}
Name: Tressa M. Gilbert
Age: 20
Hometown: Roosevelt, Utah
Born: Bartlesville, Okla.
Siblings: Two older sisters, one older brother, and three little brothers.
Major: Public Relations
Minor: Environment and Society

{less boring stuff}

Description: seems like I'm brave sometimes, hungry all the time, and never bored.
Strange happenings: entire time spent at Snow College, getting eight blocks of Velveeta cheese for Christmas, rocking a bulldog to sleep...
Pets: NEVER owned a pet.
Hobbies: I am just now exploring the culinary world and loving it, reading is rad, ping pong is my sport currently but always basketball and soccer, Sudoku, watching football, and playing 20-questions.
Favorite food/drink: lemon meringue pie/grape koolaid
BAD foods: marinara sauce, green chiles, and mango.
Favorite musician(s): Chris Martin of Coldplay, Bono of U2
Hated musician: there isn't one. I can appreciate and embrace all kinds.
Movies: Little Women and The Guardian are pleasing, The Lake House was not.
Source: online newspapers.
Fruit or Veggie: maybe a grape. I like all things grape.
When I grow up: a r0ckin' mom, an educated citizen, a tour guide/historian.
ONE thing: grow up in the fifties.
Informed: well informed in Utah news, pretty good nationally, but scared of the international news and lacking.

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