Thursday, January 22, 2009

Lacey Saxton

Age: 18 (yes I am a young one!)
Hometown: (Preston! Yes, it is super BIG... in fact, it even has TWO stoplights now!)
Major/Minor: P.R. and History/ Sociology
News Source: Internet, local newspaper

Hey! I’m Lacey! I am a junior at USU and love it. I am super random, love doing anything spontaneous, I am usually always talking, and I laugh A LOT. I am tall, and have dark hair (but it is constantly changing!)

I love semi-sweet chocolate, NORDSTROM, and occasionally shaving my cat. I like to believe that I am a professional shopper, and I have a fetish with brushing my teeth.

I think the best thing in the world is a long run outside directly after it rains. I love the gym, it’s super great! ... I also am addicted to food (mainly sugar)! To be honest, my friends call me the “garbage can” since I can put down so dang much food!

I have played the piano for pretty much a lifetime (or so it feels like!) I love it. I love everything about music. I love playing the piano, listening to music, and dancing OF COURSE. I have a million favorite bands, but I think the best band of life is definitely BRAND NEW.

A few random facts:
I plan on running a marathon at least once in my life. I am a Kappa Delta. I am going to law school. I tend to say exactly what I think — and it often times gets me in BIG trouble! I want to meet Misty May and Kerri Walsh (yes, volleyball is the best sport!)

If you have any other questions, ask me! And, I think we should probably become friends:)


chicago said...

how are you an 18 year old junior?

Abigail said...
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