Wednesday, January 14, 2009



Jessica Vasil

Age: 19
Hometown: Chicago [south SIDE!]
Where were you born? Chicago
How many siblings? what kind? your birth rank? I have one sister who’s 15, she’s an animal lover, and an amazing horseback rider. Last year she was ranked 5th in the nation in her age level.
Academic Major/minors (declared or possibilities): double major in political science and journalism emphasis in PR, minor undecided

Describe yourself (physically/psychologically/stylistically/metaphysically/etc.): I’m crazy and typically up for anything. I’m a huge football fan and LOVE the Bears! I played soccer my whole life. I’m random. I’m Christian. Jody Picult is my favorite author. I think quotes are a great thing. Loyalty is a big one for me. My friends are like my family, and I’m ’way close with my family.
Your pet(s) (name, type, age, description, personality, most amusing/annoying trait): I have two dogs that I love! I also have two ferrets, two shrews, fishies, frogs, and horses. All of the other pets are my sister’s. She’s an animal freak.
Foreign languages: L’il bit of Spanish (TP Note: poco?)
Hobbies: MUSIC, soccer, rock climbing, friends
Favorite thing in the world to do: be with the people I love
Favorite sport: (watching or doing) watch-football, play-soccer.
Favorite drink: nothing legal.
Favorite music/musician: Anything from classical to country to rap to oldies.
Favorite movie: Boondock Saints, Tommy Boy, Baby Mama, Live Free or Die Hard.
Worst movie: Napolean Dynamite
Favorite info source: Internet
What do you want to be when you grow up? (fantasy—e.g., fireman—is OK) Famous Hollywood actress
If you could do any one single thing, what would it be? Travel whenever I want, wherever I want with money as no object
How well informed would you say you are about current events/the world? fairly well informed

1 comment:

Ted Pease, Professor of Interesting Stuff said...

Jessica: Very sorry about your grandfather’s death. Sending good thoughts.