Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Gaming, the the new recess

Video games have become an essential part of college life. Many young people now days are relying on games to fill their days.
“Games are a good way for me to relax.” says Jamie Stoddart, a student a USU. I have too much homework and am unemployed, so playing games helps me take my mind off of both of those.” Stoddart continued.
In many apartments in Logan you’ll find a wide variety of gaming systems. Systems ranging from Xbox 360, Play station 2, or 3, regular Xbox and the WII are all used to help students “relax.” But does it actually help students?
In a recent study called the Pew internet and American life project 1,162 students were interviewed regarding the “gaming era.” In the survey, almost half of the students used the games as a social activity by playing multi player games. Less than ten percent of those games were done on personal computers.
This information put a new spin on the thoughts that “gamers” were playing games just to isolate themselves. The student may not isolate themselves from each other but they do isolate themselves from their studies. In the study, nearly half of the students said gaming was an excuse to study a lot, and one in ten students played games to avoid studying altogether.
Studying can be affected by playing video games. “Games give me a break from studying so I’m only focused on homework and can get more out of it when I do my work.” Stoddart stated.
Spencer Clayton, a graphic design major said he plays games “because it’s another world where I can do whatever I want and not get into trouble.”
Clayton said he “prefers playing multi player games because it’s always more fun with your friends.” Using games as a social event has become a normal thing among students, especially with the games Rock Band and Guitar Hero.
“We moved into a new apartment and had Rock Band, so we invited a bunch of people over to play, it lasted till like midnight or one in the morning, just chillin and having fun with friends” said Cody Titmus.
Video games are changing our social tendencies and the way we get together. In most cases video games are seen being played by guys. Even that is changing; girls are becoming more involved in game playing with games such as American Idol and Dance Dance Revolution. The game industry seems that it still targets men though, with games such as Gears of War, Halo, and Call of Duty. All action packed games that require players to kill to survive.
Games may influence study habits to some but others, they don’t see an affect. “I’ll let you know in a month how it affected my grades.” Stoddart said.

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