Monday, November 10, 2008

Eating Habbits

Hey whats going on guys? I was thinking about doing a story on the eating habbits among student here at USU. I dont exactly know my angle yet but i have talked to a bunch of students they all have said that they eat real poorly. So here are some questions for you to ponder about:
1. What are some of the things that you eat on a regular basis?
2. Do you feel that your school work suffers when you are eating junk food rather than a balanced diet? And if so what about your energy during the day?
3. IS money an issue when it comes to eating a balanced diet?

I would love any feed back that you could offer. Thanks for your time. And ill make you a deal, if you comment on mine post ill comment on yours. HAHAHA!!!!!!!



Ted Pease, Professor of Interesting Stuff said...

Casey (and everyone):

I think I did reply. What I think I asked was whether you have any expert sources. (And this is advice for EVERYBODY.)

It's fine to talk to a bunch of junk food junkies, midnight Beto's regulars, people who despise vegetables... But you need someone at USU who's expert in the area of nutrition/diet/health.

Also, have you Googled the topic to find some broader info (for example, obesity is a U.S. epidemic and (I seem to recall) some studies show that life expectancy has started to decline for the first time in a century or something because of Americans' eating habits).

At USU, perhaps you also could talk to the nutritionists who plan the menus at the USU dining facilities. They have to do a balancing act between stuff that's good for students and stuff students will eat. Get specifics about what USU students on meal plans eat and don't eat. (and you'll also need numbers--how many meals they serve, how many tons of Tater Tots/yr, how much salad? etc.)

Just talking to kids with bad eating habits may provide good color and funny stories about weird things people eat, but it doesn't take your story very far.

Does any of this make sense?


Ted Pease, Professor of Interesting Stuff said...


Casey (and Everybody!):

Please edit your posts (and emails) carefully. You don't want to look like a dope because you misspell something like "Omaba" on a news quiz (!).

Or if you spell "habit" like "rabbit"--in a headline, yet!

Kate Clark said...

This is a big issue for me. I think I eat out almost every meal to save time, even though I cant afford it. I definetly notice that I have a lack in energy at school if I have not been eating right. I really like the Be-Well options at school...and they are usually cheaper than the unhealthy ones that I have noticed!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, what the El Peez said about the expert. An angle to maybe take is to ask the expert if their is a difference between single students living in dorms and married students eating habits. I know my husband and I will spend money in order to eat health, it is a priority for us. But I dare say it might be different if I was single.