Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Story Idea: Ruby Pipeline


The issue of the proposed gas pipeline across southern Cache Valley continues. It’s a promising potential story topic. Here}s some new info from the Cache Valley EcoNet (Bryan Dixon):

The real problem with the Ruby Pipeline is that it will basically sterilize the habitat values along a corridor 150-250 feet wide through our mountains -- including some roadless areas -- for the sake of lower costs for the pipeline owners as they sell gas to northern California. It’s long, long past time for Americans to pay the real cost of energy, including the cost of routing such pipelines along existing corridors, such as Interstate highways, rather than through the mountains of southern Cache County.

The Box Elder High School is located at 380 S. 600 W. in Brigham City, UT, a mere 25 minutes away.

Bryan Dixon (

From: "Shaun L. Peck"
Date sent: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 16:08:03 -0600
Subject: Assistance

Please remember to attend the scoping meeting at Box Elder High School auditorium at 7:00 this Thursday (April 17). Plan on arriving early to sign up to comment if you so desire. We really need to send a message to FERC and Ruby, and the scoping meeting is a great opportunity to be heard. Please remember to send your comments to FERC and to your elected officials as well. There is a limited time available to make a difference, so please act now! Please see the website for additional assistance and

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