Monday, April 7, 2008

NewsTalk—Week of April 6-12

Post stories that interest you or comments about the news for this week here (click on "comment" button below).
—El Peez, News Poobah


Ted Pease, Professor of Interesting Stuff said...

No one is reading the newspaper? Some big news today (Tuesday):

• That 7-year-old's funeral in SLC.
• Kansas beats Memphis State, and March Madness is OVER!!! Yayayayayaayyyy!
• As the Bush administration says things are improving in Iraq, fighting escalates and 10 U.S. troops are killed
• The Boston Red Sox are in last place as the MLB season gets under way. Go Sox!!!

Anonymous said...

Comment on "Utahns need voice on nuclear program"
Jessica Prado

Okay, so I get that this Steve Walker guy is in a fight for what he believes and I respect that. Regarding this nuclear program and the effect on the environment, well that's where I have no opinion as of 3am this morning. I think it requires more research on my part. On the other issue, while it is nice to think that to "gradually scale back the arsenals with an end goal of elimination" will actually bring an end to the possibility of nuclear war and consequently some kind of world peace, which Walker implied, is completely naive. He threw in a little back-door burn on President Bush, so I sense some personal contention which is common, but President Bush isn't the devil and he seems to have a better understanding of the reality of the world as whole rather than what we think we need TODAY. I mean, does Walker actually think that Reagan and Gorbachev saw a future where we would no longer stock-pile nuclear weapons? Seriously! Those two political super stars were too smart to have such a notion. I think President Bush knows that. And while the world and the people in our country may criticize President Bush for his lack of eloquence and his big spending and his favortism for big business...which is so hypocritical considering our nation of selfish, big spenders have racked up more debt than they can afford and second mortgages that were clearly their own fault and now expect the government to bail them out of their financial troubles along with blaming the government for all of the economic problems we face (whatever happened to accountability?) least Bush seems to realize that in this Soddom and Gomorrah world things aren't getting any better. And, it's not his fault. It's our fault. We are the nation that doesn't care about anyone but ourselves. We are the nation that thinks we deserve the world but shouldn't have to contribute or sacrifice for it. We are the nation that whines about every little inconvenience from a traffic ticket to the lines at the grocery store. We are the ADD nation, the fat nation, the drunk nation, the prescription drug antion, the addict nation. The rest of the free world laughs as we bicker amongst ourselves, while the half of the world that isn't free wishes they had to only worry about how to make their next mortgage payment. Whether Bush is able to gain support for this program or not makes no difference in what the rest of the nations on earth do. If the world wants to burn itself to hell it will. It is. It started long ago, before Bush and before Iraq and before nuclear weapons. Read a little C.S Lewis and see how prophetic his writing is. He saw the world declining to this point years ago. I think Bush gets that. We're the ones who don't. The answers to the problems in the world aren't found in debates about a nuclear program. The answers are found in our own personal integrity and our willingness to put others before ourselves, even if it means to give up our most precious posessions for the benefit of our brother. But, we're too selfish to think that way. And, the president knows we're too selfish and the world sucks. The end. It's been a long day and I got a paper to write. Not to mention the fact that I have unsuccessfully tried to post this like 3-4 times.

Anonymous said...

Post Script

I wouldn't offer my voice on an issue I don't know enough about. So, I won't. But I that's my comment.

Ted Pease, Professor of Interesting Stuff said...

Excellent 2 a.m. rant, Jessica! I have no idea who Steve Walker is, but I like your sense of outrage in the cause of personal responsibility.


Raelle said...

Sorry this is posted 2 times but i posted it in the wrong place the first time.
This article was amusing. it was about giant puppets at the opera. It is something i have never seen before.

Cami said...

Comment on "Utahns need voice on nuclear program"
Cami Moore

All I really have to say in response to this is... WOW... we are going to bring about our own downfall and extinction.
