Saturday, April 19, 2008

Ryan’s Story—‘Passing’

‘Passing’—Born Male in a Woman’s Body
By Ryan Avila

Knowing he was born a male inside a female body, he decided to change his name from Brittany to Isaac and change his physical features from female to male at the age of 20. Isaac Furniss, a junior majoring in computer science, is going "stealth" a tern describing going from female to male (FTM) also known as "passing".

"I want my outside to match my inside," Furniss said with confidence. When Furness would go to the beach as a child with her family, he would take off his shirt like his brothers and run into the water. But his mother would say, "You can't do that, you're a girl." "I always thought I'd grow up to be a boy," said Furniss.

Before Furniss could go "stealth" he had to see a psychologist to make sure he wasn't "crazy" and to go over the pros and cons. Soon after he started taking testosterone patches to help with the physical change. "Before I started, I didn't feel I really grew up yet," said Furniss implying this transition is necessary. "Until I pass I still get called she, but I want people to call me he."

Regarding changing sexual orientation, many students lack the knowledge of what happens and are unaware of the change or process. "It never crossed my mind to make a choice like that," said Megan Furniss (no relation), a sophomore majoring in exercise science. "People aren't used to seeing that life style," said freshman Erika Combe.

Socially, "explaining it to people all the time," Furniss said has been the toughest obstacle. "I don't feel its necessary for someone change their sex, but if it helps their supreme happiness then I support," said Melissa Martinson, a freshman majoring in biology. Even though getting a sex change is not very common especially in Utah, Furniss said she never gets harassed about it.

Furniss' parents were ok about him becoming bisexual as a junior in high school but when they found out he was going to be a transgender, his father said he doesn't want Furniss coming home. Furniss posts blogs on as a way to help overcome obstacles.

"It really helps me," Furniss said. On the site Furniss talks with other people who are going through the same things and helps them with their problems as well.

Another way Furniss gets involved is by being a member of Life. Life is the gay straight alliance on campus and promotes that "love is for everyone." Funriss is the P.R. director for Life and they hold weekly meetings in the library to help share awareness and concerning issues.

Isaac Furnis said his ultimate goal would be that people would see him as a male. With the help of taking testosterone patches his voice will deepen, more facial hair will appear along with darker hair color, muscle will be built, and the ovaries will stop functioning. Eventually, Furniss will be getting chest surgery to help with the physical process.

Along with taking 2.5 ml. of testosterone, Furniss deals with mood swings, cramps, and feels the two hormones are fighting each other making him frustrated. Also, the craving for food has increased. "I get really hungry but I don't want to eat a lot and get fat. So, I try to work out a lot," said Furniss.

Furniss has been dating the same person for three years and everything is going great with the process. "I don't want to get married while I'm still a girl," Furniss said in response to marriage. With a few more years of schooling and happily on hormones, Furniss is excited and can't wait for the future.

What do you think? Hit "Comments" link below.


Whitney Jo said...

Good job! This story is interesting and different.

Anonymous said...

Jessica Prado

Has this guy ever had his DNA tested to find out what the chromosomes say he was supposed to be at birth? I have heard that many intersex people do that to help them make a determination. Was he an intersex person at birth or just a girl that felt like she wanted to or should be a boy?

Derek Bowen said...

Good job on your story. Where do you get these ideas? It seems like every time we write a paper you always have an original idea!

Cameron Harper said...

This story was awesome dude, that's a way sensitive subject and you handled it weird. =

Khaivien Thach said...

This story is crazy, I can't believe that he's so open about the whole thing and was willing to talk about it.