Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Interesting News

I was listening to the radio yesterday on way home from Salt Lake and heard an interesting news story. There is a lady in Park City who punished her son by making him hold a sign on the street for 3 hours. The boy was in trouble for stealing from 7 stores or something. He is only 10 years old. The sign said something to the effect of "I am a thief. watch your yourself i may steal from you." something like that. I am not sure what the exact words were. I thought it was hilarious. The lady may have gotten in trouble because some people thought it was cruel. I think the little shit deserved it for stealing. How else is he going to learn. She can't spank him cause that would be abuse now days. What do you guys think? Do you think it was fair punishment?


Metta Ray said...

I think its a great idea and may even use it!!!! I have an 11-year-old who can also be a bit of a shit. And right!you can't spank 'em. that is considered abuse.... parents have very few options anymore, I think it was very creative on the mothers part and I commend her.

Thanks for sharing!

Whitney Jo said...

I find it hilarious. It could only have been better if he was forced to wear some sort of hog dog suit. But I'll take it.

Ted Pease, Professor of Interesting Stuff said...

What's humiliating about a hotdog suit? I have two (regular and "formal") in my closet.