Friday, April 11, 2008

Anyone can detect fake photos!

Ever wonder about amazing journalistic photos? I do.

Remember when the 9/11 attacks happened and there were all sorts of miraculous photos being released....Like the one where there is a woman standing on an observation deck at the world trade center and there is an airplane in the background headed straight for it.

Well, after reading this article, I found out that anyone can detect fake photos and it's not even that hard!
Check it out!



Anonymous said...

Jessica Prado

One of the first things we covered this semester in my photojournalism class was not to mess with the facts in a photograph just like in a story.

Aside from lighting and whitebalnce adjustments journalistic photos should not be tampered with. If you didn't get the ideal shot--too bad so sad.

Ted Pease, Professor of Interesting Stuff said...

Amen to that, Jessica. I've been a photographer for 40 years, and a journalist for 33 (gawd!), and it offends both parts of me when truth is manipulated.

1. If being informed is essential to a free society, and
2. If reliable information is essential to the knowledge needed for free people to govern themselves, then
3. Manipulating the truth is lying, and an offense to a free and enlightened people.

That means news, photography, advertising, entertainment. That also means people who produce messages AND people who consume media messages. Both have responsibility.

Thus endeth the rant.
