Friday, April 18, 2008

Raelle's Story—Guns at USU

Guns at USU
By Raelle Greer

With the recent tragedies of Virginia Tech and Northern Illinois, the state of Utah is looking into the issue of carrying concealed weapons on college campuses.

At the moment there are no laws restricting persons with permits to legally carry a gun on a public campus.

Utah State University Police Chief Steve Mecham said “We go by what the state laws say. What else can we do?”

“USU urges students to not carry guns on campus and campus police have programs in place to assist students to safely store weapons if they desire,” says president of the Faculty Senate, Douglas Ramsey.

In reference to students checking their guns at the USU police station, Mecham said, “Students have access to their guns 24 hours a day if they need.”

“Why would you want to check in your gun if you have a concealed weapons permit? Isn’t that the point of it?” said a student who only wants to me identified by his first name Matt.

“I carry a gun to feel safe if something ever happens,” he went on to say, “and if I had to run to pick up my gun it would not do me much good right then and there.”

Also the procedures or precautions for incidents like Virginia Tech are so vague that many teachers do not even know what they are.

Professor Ted Pease said, “As a faculty member, I haven't heard of any training or precautions..... duck, I guess.”

According to Ramsey, if an incident does actually occur teachers are to “Lock all doors and stay put until they get the situation under control.”

Ramsey went on to say, “In order to guard against such an event, faculty, councilors, and police are trying to become more aware of students that may give some indication that they are under stress or are otherwise at risk. They will do whatever they can do to help these students. Completely protecting any campus against such an event is impossible. However, they will work to reduce the probability.”

Steve Mecham said, “There have been several training sessions for active shooters.”

What about Ted Pease? Why was he not informed?

He also said that the training sessions are based on groups or departments on campus. Only if the department asks for training will one be provided.

USU’s safety department is coming out with an emergency procedures brochure that will be available to all faculty and students online.

According to CNNU, (CNNU is a feature that provides student perspectives on news and trends from colleges across the United States) Utah is “the only state to allow weapons at all public universities.”

“Utah State Board of Regents spokeswoman said the regents are opposing a legislative proposal to allow people with concealed weapons permits to have the weapons visible in public” as quoted by CCNU.

“We are worried that it may affect their [students' and teachers'] willingness or desire to go to or teach a class on campus.”

Student Jack Raymond said, “It doesn’t bother me a bit that people carry guns on campus because people who legally carry guns are not the ones I am worried about.”

What do you think? Hit the "Comment" link below.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jessica Prado

I have a couple questions:

1. Which departments have requested this training thing that we supposedly have? Is there a list? And how does a department make that request?

2. Have there ever been any incidents invloving guns/weapons on USU campus?

3. This guy "Matt," did you ask him what it is that he is afraid might happen that he would need a concealed weapon? I would like to know that? I mean, is there some kind of shizzo in the works between students on this campus?
