Thursday, February 26, 2009

Smoking on Campus -Tolman

So i have switched story ideas now and am doing a story on smoking at USU. Does anyone know anyone with asthma that I could talk to? thanks--Ashley Tolman


Ashley m. said...

oh my gosh i don't have asthma but i totally hate when people gather outside the tsc in that little courtyard area and fill it with smoke! i always have to walk past and inhale it on my way to class. why do they do that? smoking isn't even cool anymore!!

Natasha627 said...

I have really mild asthma, but I could help you out with a quote or something :)

ZacPierce said...

You could talk to my mom. She can get you some stats and such, also she may be able to help you find some resources in Logan. Her phone number is 730-4308 and her email is