Sunday, February 22, 2009

news pitch idea... Help?

Ok guys, so I was thinking of some story ideas and one that came to mind is the fact that study abroad students, like some Armenians that I know, are on a scholarship and are affected by the budget cuts to a point where they can't come back to school next semester or possibly ever.

Do you know any other information about this or students that are also affected? And Peez, what do you think? I still want to do the one about the student that buys a ton of mints at the cafe but I can't find him. lol


Ted Pease, Professor of Interesting Stuff said...

For Armenian students (why Armenian, specifically, Anike?), talk to Satenik Sargsyan (, a JCOM student from last semester. Very good.

It's not just Armenian students, of course, who may be in fiscal trouble. There's an international students office and student union (Satenik could help)--you could talk more generally with them about threats to their continuing education from global budget probs. In the process, you'll stumble over new ideas & sources.

Ask the staff at the Quadside about the MintMan if they know him, or if they'd get his name/contact info next time they see him.

Tressa M. Gilbert said...

Also-Craigslist that dude! Or put his name on the Statesman somewhere. You gotta find him....
good luck. I've got a friend who is really close with a foreign exchange girl may be the one Peez speaks of.
Good luck.